Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Lime Chicken Tequila Tailgate
Recipe courtesy Guy Fieri
Prep Time: 20 min Inactive Prep Time: -- Cook Time: 20 min Level:
Intermediate Serves:
4 servings Ingredients
2 ounces olive oil
1 cup julienned red onion
1 tablespoon minced jalapeno
1/2 cup roasted and julienned red bell pepper
1 roasted chicken, boned, skin discarded and shredded
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro leaves, plus more for garnish
4 tablespoons grated Parmesan, plus more for garnish
5 ounces mozzarella, grated
4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
3 ounces tequila
1/4 cup diced Roma tomatoes, for garnish
4 sourdough rolls, warmed
Layer 2 (15-inch) sheets of heavy aluminum foil together and fold 1/4-inch of the edges together to create 1 sheet. Repeat with another 2 pieces of foil, to create 2 double foiled sheets. Bend the edges of 1 of the sheets up 2 inches, to help keep the liquid in the foil.
On a double sheet of foil, layer (in this order), the oil, onions, jalapeno, red bell peppers, chicken, salt and pepper, garlic, cilantro, cheeses, lemon juice and tequila.
Put the second, double layered foil sheet on top of layered ingredients. Fold both double layered sheets of foil together in 1/4-inch folds, 4 times. When all the sides are folded together, make sure that the pouch is not leaking. Refrigerate until ready to cook.
To cook preheat the oven or grill to 250 degrees F. Remove the foil pouch from the refrigerator and put on the grill, being careful not to snag the foil pouch and tear it open. Grill for 10 minutes, then flip and cook for another 10 minutes.
Remove the pouch from the grill and slice the bag open. Garnish with the tomatoes, cilantro, and Parmesan and serve on warmed rolls.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
2010 Father's Day Deep Dish Cookie Fundraiser for Girls Camp
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My BABY, Sydney!

Today my youngest, Sydney Michelle turned 10 years old.
Sydney is such a sweet, energetic, imaginative little girl.
She has always shown people how much she loves them. In Kindergarten, she began givng a hug to her teacher and soon each child in the classroom was doing the same(I don't think that had ever happened in the 20+years she had been teaching).
She loves to try/play so many sports; she has a natural ability for them. She got a scooter when she was 3 & tore it up! When she turned 5 she got a Schwinn Stingray Bicycle & the traingin wheels were unnecessary. She played on a city basketball team in 2nd grade & loved it! She went with Hannah to the ice skating rink for an activity that Hannah was a part of and after 10 minutes Sydney(age 6 1/2) could ice skate alone!! She played soccer when she was in Kindergarten & has been asking to play again since then so she did this past fall. She was a great goalie-not scared one bit! She went to a volletball camp 2 nights a week for a few weeks and I forgot to tell the coach that she had NEVER played before-no need to explain she did just fine!
In school, her favorite "subject" is writing her own plays or stories. She has written stories since second grade & recently prepared her own argument regarding why she needs a cell phone to present at one of our family meetings. She has written at least 4 sequential parts to a puppet play for the puppet theater in her classroom this year!
Love you Syd :)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Better Late than Never...
Jacob, Hannah and Sydney started school on August 24th.
Jacob is a junior in High School this year taking classes such as...US History, AP Statistics, Spanish 3, AP Biology, Literature(can't remember which type) & Anatomy/Physiology. He starts school at 700am with a Zero period and gets out at 1:40 because he doesn't have a 6th period. He begins his day at 5:15am with Early Morning Seminary Class( a religion class comparable to catechism in the Catholic religion, I guess) It begins at 6:00am and ends at 6:45 with just enough time to slip into Zero period at the High School.
Hannah is a high and mighty 6th grader at the Elementary school! Last year here for her. She likes school(but don't tell anyone) and will turn 12 in March, just around the corner! She is continuing piano lessons and is undecided on dance club afterschool. We'll let you know!
Sydney is now in the 4th grade. She has an actual classroom this year, not a portable classroom. She is beginning soccer soon for the first time since 1st grade. She's dying to play again. She has also been lobbying for cello lessons at school. We are looking thoroughly into that!
We are excited and all crazy as everyone's schedules collide and reshape to begin the school year! We added a new member to our house, this is her 2nd week here- Thank you Gwen & Grant! Bailey is our new pug puppy, 4-4 1/2 months old. She is loved by all, some a little less than others(Hershey)! All will be well! Til next time...
Monday, May 4, 2009
My baby is 16 tomorrow!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Oh Yes a Blog Picture!
For all of you who haven't seen us lately...we went to Salt Lake City during Spring break and this is our family at the LDS conference center across the street from the Salt Lake City Temple. It was a great meeting-glad we could go hear a prophet's voice.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Oh Valentines!
Take a look- everyone in Hannah and Sydney's class got an "ipod"!
Years previous, we have done a peek-a-boo heart with a picture of Hannah's face inside.
Also a Heart with a see through vinyl heart on top stitched around the edge and filled with a little candy(kind of like a pocket but you could see it all).
Also one year a heart folded down the middle with a tail taped on and whiskers so it looked like a mouse. We tucked a balloon inside instead of candy.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
To Blog or Not to Blog?
Looking back on this past year I have to say that I am fully aware of many blessings that I and my family have recieved. Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, Financially and most surely blessings given to us through friends and family.
I have a home that I can call mine and it gives me shelter and comfort.
I have two cars to get me to the places I need & my children need to go.
I have a wonderful husband who has a job to support our family and for whom I am truly thankful.
I have much extended FAMILY who loves me and my family and would do anything to help us(and has done everything).
I have friends who go above and beyond friendship sometimes, to help me with dinner(s), teach me new things, help me learn how to blog & Facebook(ha ha ha)! They share their children and friends with me too!
I have a job that I love and have fun at-what more could I want than to play with children and talk to a friend the whole morning?
I had the opportunity this year to meet an older woman at church and get to know her a bit and hopefully give her a little comfort and a smile along with my two daughters, neice and nephew and two other little friends. She passed away a few weeks ago but that memory will stay with me and those children forever.
Looking back is a good thing but moving forward shows our character, I think.
I hope that this New Year brings you what you need, for you and your family.
From the movie, "Meet the Robinsons" KEEP MOVING FORWARD.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jacob's ASB Two Day Hiatus