Friday, May 30, 2008

Tuesday Musings #6

Ladies, Welcome to blog boot camp! No more of this free verse. This week I want a sonnet! I'll take it easy on you in case your not in the habit of writing poetry, I'll let you pick the type of sonnet you write (I might suggest the Spenserian in honor of our founder). The theme of your sonnet should be potty training. Have fun! (as an alternative you can right a sonnet about one of the worst messes one or all of your children made.)

I have just recalled the day of whiteness.
My children were busy and so was I
The laundry washing, the dishes brightness
Just beginning the bathrooms with a sigh

What are the girls doing? I haven’t heard
A single sound, but I have been cleaning.
I’m finished with toilets, this is absurd

For surely they’re playing; that is the meaning.

Check on the girls- I hear a buzzer sound
The dryer? The washer? Quick do a change
Sydney is that you with powder around?
A spirit, a ghost, my you look so strange!

Surely this project you aren’t alone in
This art experiment… Hannah doth win!


claire said...

Great work Kristin! I must say that I'm very impressed with the poetic abilities and talents of the Tuesday Musers.

Rebecca said...

very nice Kristin! Have you done this before?

Kath said...

Isn't powder fun to clean up:) I can remember Eliza and Melia dumping a whole bottle of powder in my kitchen which of course spills into the family room etc. That's what we get for leaving those kids to their own devices. Great poem!