Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tuesday Musings #9

“Imagine your life is now a book. In 100 words, write the blurb for it."

In Yikes! My Children are on Summer Break, K.L. Meza’s third book of the I’m the MOM Chronicles.

“Can I buy ice cream when the ice cream truck comes?” “Mom, can Paige and I go to the movies?” “Mom, can you take me to practice? “Are we doing anything Tuesday, dear, I have a meeting at 6:30?” “Mom, when are we going to the beach?” “Mom, I’m bored, can we go somewhere?” “How about we go to Utah to see Nelson and Cullan?” “When is Aunt Angie coming to visit?” “We get Jordan first, right Mom? “Mom, where is my bathing suit?” “Mom, did you wash my football shorts?”

Ahhhh, another relaxing summer in Riverside. Jacob is 15, Hannah, 10 going on 14 & Sydney 8 ½. What adventure awaits this summer? Will they return to La Quinta, head for Sea World or try Yosemite? As Kristin & her husband Mike regroup and plan another exciting summer for the family…which questions from the children will actually get answered???

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Very cute and very true! Once you answer your questions, I'll answer mine! (hah!) :)